Friday 18 January 2013

Avocados are the world's most nutritious fruits.


Today’s Amazing Fact: 
Avocados are the world's most nutritious fruits.

The avocado is also called the avocado pear or alligator pear because of its shape and green skin. However, there are a few varieties, ranging in size and color from bright green to black, and smooth to pebbly

It has a single large seed surrounded by pulp and a hard skin. The composition of the avocado contributes to many health benefits, while its flavor lends itself to tasty dishes. Though it has become famous mainly due to the preparation of guacamole, avocados can actually be easily prepared by eating it straight or dipping it in sugar. In the Philippines, it is made into a sherbet by mashing the ripe fruit and adding milk and sugar and then chilled or frozen and eaten like ice cream.

Unlike most fruits, the avocado has few carbohydrates, no starch and little sugar,The antioxidants in the avocado, similar to those in the broccoli, guard against a number of conditions, mainly cancer (especially of the lung and breast), heart diseases and aging. Vitamin A builds resistance to bacterial infections. Due to the high content of vitamins C and E, the avocado has anti-aging properties, leading to a soft, supple, healthy skin. Vitamin E is also useful for menopausal disorders. Lutein prevents eye problems like macular degeneration, and contributes to a healthy heart.

Since the fat is mono-unsaturated, it helps to reduce cholesterol. Moreover, the avocado has few calories, yet the fruit oil provides ample energy.The minerals regulate body functions and promote growth. Potassium regulates blood pressure, while iron and copper promote formation of blood and prevent anemia. The presence of sodium and potassium creates a high alkaline reaction. The avocado also boosts brain power and alleviates arthritic pain.

The avocado is excellent for digestive disorders like hyperacidity. This is because it is bland, and does not irritate the sensitive membranes of the stomach and intestine. The Japanese and Chinese use it to treat colic and ulcers.

Avocado increases the body’s ability to absorb the healthy carotenoids of other vegetables, when used as an ingredient in dishes. An avocado contains Antioxidants, particularly vitamins A, C and E, as well as lutein, Vitamin B6, Folic acid,Highest quality fat of the mono-unsaturated kind( In fact, it has more fat than any other fruit except the olive), Fine quality protein, superior to that found in cereals, and similar to milk, Fiber or cellulose, Minerals, especially iron, copper, potassium and sodium, A high amount of fruit oil, which is a rare element, and provides the smooth, mellow taste and nutty flavor.

Avocados are brimming with health benefits as it contains more than 25 essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t pass up this fruit:
-          Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fat found in avocados. This omega-nine fatty acid may help lower cholesterol levels.
-          Avocados have about 60% more potassium than bananas. Potassium guards the body against circulatory diseases including hypertension, heart disease and stroke.
-          The fruit has significant amounts of vitamin E, an antioxidant known to slow down the aging process as well as help protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer.
-          Avocado contains folate, another nutrient important for a healthy heart. Folate is also an essential mineral for pregnant mothers to promote healthy cells and tissue development and prevent birth defects like spina bifida.
-          It is a concentrated source of the carotenoid called lutein, known to protect against eye problems like cataracts and age related macular degeneration.
-          Recent study showed that when avocado is added to salsa and green salad, it acts as a nutrient booster as alpha and beta-carotene and other carotenoids are absorbed more in the body.
-          The fruit comes packed with another phytonutrient in the form of vitamin K, a vitamin long known for its critical role in blood clotting. Vitamin K has also recently been found to activate at least three proteins involved in bone health.
-          Avocados are beneficial in treating and preventing constipation and hemorrhoids since it’s also loaded with dietary fiber.
-          Another good reason to eat this tropical fruit is its vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), said to be the busiest vitamin in the body as it performs many chemical reactions including the promotion of proper breakdown of starches and sugar and strengthening the immune system.
-          Due to its many beneficial nutrients including vitamin C and copper, avocados are listed as nutrition superstars in the American Diabetes Association and Diabetes Food and Nutrition Bible.
The avocado is a versatile fruit with many nutrients, health benefits, culinary and other uses. It is considered a “neutral” fruit, as it blends with any flavor, and can be combined with most fruits or vegetables. Its oil is an essential ingredient in many cosmetics.

Note: The avocado turns sour with cooking, and cannot withstand freezing. Therefore, it should be eaten raw and as fresh as possible. If it has to be stored, it should be kept at room temperature.

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