Monday 29 April 2013

Today’s Testimony: Cancer Healed

by Dennis Robinson, 

“...cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me. [It] taught me much but I was born a rebel soul, I am now 54 years old and enjoy good health and travel each winter to South America. Last year I spent two months in Brazil hiking the amazon jungle and telling My Earth Mother how wonderful she is and how thankful I am for her and the beauty of life that surrounds me.”

Diagnosis, surgery & biopsy
16 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer (tumors in the sigmoid curve of the decending colon) and was told I could possibly live another 6 months if I took the chemo. Whether it was stage 1,2,3, or 4 (terminal) I do not know. I know only that the surgeon and the radiation and chemo oncologist present during the surgery all agreed that I would live maybe 6 months. That is if I took the chemo. NO-BRAINER at least for me. I wouldn't take the chemo no matter what they said. I saw too many friends go that route and I preferred not to die like that.

So, fortunately I had paid attention in my short life and knew from my past friends’ experience that if ever confronted with this antagonist, I would take my chance with the cancer for there had to be a far better way to cross over to the other side of life than a dance with the chemo.

During surgery (simply because I did not know better at the time) they found tumors in some lymph nodes as well as others attached to the prostate and stomach. They were saying they thought other organs may be affected as well. (Have you heard of the Richard Block Cancer Center in Kansas City Missouri? That is the home of Henry and Richard Block of H&R Block tax accountants. They are very popular here in the U.S. Richard started the center and had a board of five physicians. Three of these men were in the operating room. The surgeon, chemo guy and radiation guy. I found this out when I took my case before the board for a second opinion. They said there was nothing they could do.)

Taking things into my own hands
The next day I hung the bags, one for urine, one for drainage coming out the left side of my abdomen, the huge IV in my neck, I hung these on the IV tree and began walking up and down the halls a few times a day. They were freaking on this, the hospital staff, but I was going to walk out on my own. After a week of begging the docs to let me go they finally sent me home.
The oncologist that administers the chemo told me all the things he would do but I told him no way I was going out of this life like that. He was an arrogant SOB. They called me at home for several weeks after, telling me that I was giving up and I was a coward. They could give me 6 more months, was I stupid? I had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon a few weeks later, the day after I began my self-healing, and he told me, "the stronger I got from the diet and exercise, the stronger the cancer would get." He was brilliant. I still laugh at that one.

Back to Eden: my self-healing begins
The day after I was out of the hospital my best friend and his dad came to visit. His dad had a book called "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss written in the 1920s. It lay on my coffee table for a couple of weeks before I opened it and read his words. If I did the veggie diet and drank the violet leaf tea, it would cure the cancer. I began the next morning by boiling onions and carrots and drinking a large pot of this tea each day.

The treatment I used changed as I was ready. I began the journey with Mr. Kloss's information. The violet leaf tea. Which I simply boiled in a big pot and then drank at least 6 quarts a day. A bit extreme but I liked it. Of course no sugar or sweetener. I ate only fresh fruit and vegetables for a few weeks, then began oatmeal in the morning. No sugar or milk, no poison. I put a little honey in the water as it heated and then stirred in the oats. Quick or regular or steel cut, it doesn't matter.

Then I started studying macrobiotics but they are biased and think they have the only truth. B. S. You take the good and spit out the bad, as in all things. But I learned about bean curd which I love. Brown rice which is Mother’s milk to us. The sea veggies, other grains such as millet and barley. Beans of all kinds. But that started a few months after I did the Kloss thing.
But I was very strict, I was wanting to live. I did not falter in the least. I gave up drinking everything but water and lots of it and the tea , fruit juice and veggie juice. No vitamins or anything else added.
I have talked with people about this for many years and the first thing I ask is if they smoke. If they say "do I have to stop smoking"? then I know they don't have the mettle to heal themselves. What are you prepared to do for good health? I didn't drink beer, booze, wine, nothing alcoholic. I guess I was willing to do whatever made logical sense. I followed my path, when I learned about
red clover and other herbs I incorporated them into my tea. Like the twig and stem kicocha or something like that (a macrobiotic thing).

 “Only one kind of cancer”
I have learned there is only one type of cancer, it begins in the marrow where cells are produced and "cancer" as we call it is the body’s way of dealing with abnormalities. The cells find the weakest link and the body isolates these cells in the form of a tumor to save our lives. We need to work with the body’s natural healing system to rid ourselves of these tumors. But it all starts in the marrow in the blood and by cleansing the blood we heal ourselves. Nature is very logical and very simple. We do not fight against nature but we bend to the wind and storms of life and we not only survive but we thrive.
So the tumors are only signs that your body is fighting a blood condition. It is producing unhealthy cells and the body is isolating them to form tumors.

Listen to your body & your intuition
You have to listen to your body. All people are different and if you touch mama she will not let you down. If you show her a pure heart and she knows you are serious then she will lead you down your own path. Even if you die in a week or a month or a year it is not a bad thing. I was ready, I faced it and did not fear the reaper. I see the other side as another step in the journey of life. It is the promise of birth, we cannot run nor hide from it.
Tell people not to listen to humans but trust their intuition, trust their nature.

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