Tuesday 15 January 2013

Today's Usage Tip:
Why Fruits and Veggies?

In simple, not ambiguous term: fruits are the juicy part of a stem that are self reproducing when cultivated because the seed of every stem is resident in the fruit and vegetables are the leafy part of a stem that are not self reproducing when cultivated. These two class of plant are characterized with heavy anti-oxidants that are helpful for body repairs.

The nutritional strength of Fruits and Vegetables cannot be over-emphasized as the entire composition can be described as LIFE.

It is of no little consideration that if the Creator of Man (GOD) who has the best information about the nutrition requirement for a healthy living could COMMAND fruits and Vegetables as the only food.  Then it will take a rebellious and death doomed individual to neglect the role fruits and vegetable will play in actualizing good health.

A good advice will be to follow the Creator’s (manufacturers) recommendation for a smooth operation.
It is important to note that toxic consumption from our daily diets are essentially effective for oxidizing our body system. The more oxidized you are, the closer you are to the grave. So the need for effective anti-oxidants to reverse the effects of the toxic substances and keep us healthy and fit. Fruits and Vegetables do this perfectly.

There are so many reasons to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. A growing body of research proves that fruits and vegetables are critical to promoting good health. In fact, fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of a healthy diet. Most people to need to double the amount the amount of fruits and vegetables they eat every day.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals. Because of this, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday can help reduce your risk of thousands of diseases. They have many important phytochemicals that help "fight" to protect your health.

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