Monday 21 January 2013

Today’s Testimony: Healed of Bowel Disease

 By James Doyle 

“I had been diagnosed with Diverticulitis, and had been told that unless I was willing to make some drastic changes that I would need to have part of my large intestine removed.” 
I live in Memphis, TN, and I'm 35 years old. I came across the book Fasting To Freedom while doing research on the internet after my doctor had told me that I needed to go on a five day liquid diet. I had been diagnosed with Diverticulitis, and had been told that unless I was willing to make some drastic changes that I would need to have part of my large intestine removed. 

My doctor's idea of a liquid diet included soups, milk shakes, etc, as long as it was nothing solid. I was scared and ready to do anything that I could to reverse my problem. After reading some articles on the effectiveness of fruits and veggies, I decided that a juice fast was my best chance of healing from this disease. 

The next day, I bought a juicer and about $100.00 worth of produce. I'm not a fruit and vegetable kind of guy, so this wasn't exactly appealing. However, I was determined to follow everything as closely as possible, the way it was outlined in the book. The first three days were a living hell. I have always had chronic sinus problems and was also a caffeine addict. I quit taking my daily sinus/allergy medication when I started the fast in favor of the nutritional value in the produce.  

The first three days of the fast were filled with intense headaches and extreme irritability. I started on a Friday, so I was only at work for the first of the three days. This turned out to be a good thing because if I was at work for those later two days of detox I think I might have snatched up various employees by the throat. 

At the end of the 30 day fast I was healed of my Diverticulitus, 30 pounds lighter, and had developed a deep "real" relationship with God. I had gained victory on several strongholds that I had formerly decided I would just have to live with for the rest of my life. It transformed me in every way. 

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