Monday, 18 February 2013

Today's Amazing: Fruits and Vegetables for the Diabetics

Diet plays a major role in the treatment of diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends a healthy diet that includes a variety of foods from all of the food groups, including a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables make a healthy contribution to any diet, and the best choices for diabetics include fresh, frozen and canned varieties without added sugar or salt.

Vegetables for diabetics are divided into two types, starchy and nonstarchy. Starchy vegetables contain more calories and carbohydrates and can affect blood sugar. Starchy vegetables are categorized with starchy foods like bread and cereal. Nonstarchy vegetables are lower in calories and contain only small amounts of carbohydrates and have very little impact on blood sugar.

 Broccoli is a nonstarchy vegetable. It is one of the best choices for a diabetic because it is low in calories and antioxidant-rich with high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, beta-carotene and folic acid, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. In addition to being nutritious, broccoli is convenient; it can be found fresh at your grocery store year-round. It steams quickly and can be added as a side dish to any meal.

Mangoes contain high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A and potassium. Adequate intakes of potassium-rich foods helps to lower blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. Mangoes are a source of carbohydrates and intake should be controlled. Fruit intake is usually limited to two to four servings a day, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders. A 1/2 cup serving of cubed mango counts as one fruit serving.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a starchy vegetable, and intake needs to be controlled to help you manage your blood sugar. A single serving is equal to 1/2 cup or 4 oz., according to The Center for Science in the Public Interest says sweet potatoes are one of the best vegetables you can eat because they contain high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber and potassium. You can quickly heat a sweet potato in the microwave and serve it as the starch portion of your meal.

Watermelon contains high amounts of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium. Watermelon is also low in calories, and a single fruit serving is a generous 1 1/4 cups, according to Watermelon does have a high glycemic index and is best eaten with other foods to help limit the rise in blood sugar.


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