Tuesday 23 April 2013

Today’s Testimony: How I lost 87lbs within 2 weeks.

By Garry Burgess
I started out heavier by 87 lbs on April 1st of 2010 with a BMI of 33, and at high risk for diabetes type 2 and high blood pressure, and I decidedly did not eat very many vegetables or fruit at that time. I started my quest to lose weight simply by tracking and counting my calories, of which I had some success during the first month. But soon I learned that if I wanted to really continue to lose weight successfully and maintain it.

I would have to change my eating habits at a fundamental level, and go EXTREME in the sense that i needed to fundamentally bypass the SAD "standard American diet" of a significant number of people in North America, which consists of burgers, fries, soda, pizza, and a large amount of processed food [edible food-like substances] all of which contain a lot of hidden sugar, fat and salt and "enriched" refined flour. It's kind of strange that my new way of eating is considered extreme, rather than the normal sick and usual way of eating in the developed world, since most of the substances passed off as food in the supermarket will only result in obesity and the chronic diseases associated with obesity.

I have eaten this way for a long time, since I am currently 55 years of age, and I've loved this food since I was a teenager. I have made a fundamental change in 2010, although I still haven't reached the total change  but more and more, I am moving in the direction, since success breeds success. My wife has been following along with me, and has also lost 85 lbs thus far. Her doctor has been quite impressed with her progress, since they are about to do a complete knee replacement surgery next month, and she has greatly improve her prognosis as a result of her dramatic weight loss. She often tells me that a person needs to "embrace" a whole new idea of making the vegetables the meal, rather than just a small insignificant side dish as is the custom in North America in most cases.
Most people who have not lost a significant amount of weight cannot grasp the huge impact that it has on your life. You simply feel better 24 hours a day. It really is the fountain of youth. My posture has improved, my energy has improved, my mental outlook has improved, my flexibility has improved, my balance and agility and endurance has improved. When I walk around during the day, it sometimes feels like I'm not even in my own body it feels so wonderful. I can sleep soundly now without my sleep apnea, my colon works like the colon of a 5 year old kid, since the fiber is like gold. And my doctor told me to "take care of your colon, or it will take care of you", so I can relax in the knowledge that I'm taking very good care of it, and I've probably spared myself from the horrors of colon cancer that my Dad had suffered from for the last 2 years.

Embracing fruits and vegetables in a big way will yield HUGE changes in anyone's life, and will give them the absolute best possible outcome for their heath. I heartily recommend to anyone wanting to improve their health to embrace this gospel.

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