Monday 1 April 2013

Today’s Usage Tip: Fruits and Vegetables for a glowing Skin.

Water is known as a complexion booster because it flushes toxins from the skin cells to give that glowing colour on your skin.  Add some fruits and vegetables to that water and have a better skin.Here are some fruits and vegetables that not only will give you a better complexion but will also control your diet.  Make them a part of your eating routine and see what difference they make on your skin.

All kinds of them: blueberries, raspberries, black currants, cranberries and strawberries increase collagen, that gives skin the gentle and smooth look.

You all know that carrots are good at sharpening eyesight.  But what most of you must not know is that carrots prevent dry skin. They contain beta-carotene, which the body uses to produce vitamin A, which moisturizes the skin. Vitamin C also aids in skin collagen formation, which declines as we get older..

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are favourably eaten on thanksgiving.  But they should be eaten all year long.  The advantage sweet potatoes provide your skin is vitamin E, which the body uses to regenerate and increase the effectiveness of vitamin C.

Bananas being rich vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E act as an anti-ageing agent. Opt for a facial using a freshly mashed banana mixed with honey to get glowing skin. It is a rich source of fiber, minerals, potassium and magnesium they help in proper blood circulation in our body and build immunity from within. They are a great substitute for unhealthy snacking in between meals.

Appropriately known as the king of fresh fruits not just its taste but also for wellness advantages. The soft pulpy fresh has an amazing impact on skin too. Abundant in vitamin A and wealthy anti-oxidants, it battles against ageing, regenerates skin tissues and regenerates the flexibility of skin.

It has high vitamin C content and natural bleaching properties making it a good cleanser that lightens blemishes, acne scars spots and skin tone. Start your day by day drinking 1 glass of warm water mixed with a dash of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach. This fight cellulite and clears your skin from within a mixture of lemon juice and honey reduces blemishes and acquire glowing skin.

Eat an apple a day to keep the skin clear and fight acne. Pineapple and papaya have enzymes which heal and exfoliate eat or apply fruit as mask 10 minutes, the rise.

Water Melon
Water melon is considered to be massively significant for the acne ailment. By applying the juice of water melon can people can certainly get rid from the pimples.

Rich in vitamin c that improve skin texture. Like apple, orange too contains collagen that slows skin aging process. Rub the inside of orange on your skin to tighten the skin. Orange can be dried and powdered and used as a natural scrub. Like lemon, orange too help clear skin blemishes.

Its high content of vitamin E and water makes the cucumber one of the most effective foods for skin care and moisturizing. Crushed and applied on the skin it offers smoothness and freshness. It also has a calming effects effect after a long sun exposure. Its juice has purifying and detoxifying properties avoids hair loss, prevent wrinkles and helps in treating acne and arthritis. It’s also useful in eliminating liquids and blemishes from the skin, in clearing freckles and fortifying hair and nails.

Another champion for oily skin. As with the potato cut a tomato in half, rub directly on your face in small circles. Let the juice stay on your face juice stay on your face for about five to eight minutes or till it gets completely dry wash with lukewarm water for soft and glowing skin. Eating a quantity also ideal for a strong complexion.

With the regimen of these fruits and vegetables you will be surprised when you friends comment about how glowing your skin is as a result of you feeding your skin.

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