Tuesday 29 January 2013

Today’s Testimony: Juice Fasting Restores Health

By Michele

“At first people thought I was crazy and they laughed, but after they saw the transformation of my health they weren't laughing anymore and instead ask what I did."
I am 30 years old, a single mother and have battled many, many health problems. I have had a number of surgeries, and taken medication to no avail. My health was quickly deteriorating and I was dying. I told my mother we needed to go to a lawyer and have papers drawn up so she could take my place as a mother to my children when I died. She refused and told me, "You will live and not die!" 

My mother and aunt finally convinced me to go the natural route since my only other alternative literally was death. I began studying juice fasting. I did a lot of research for several months before I actually attempted it. 

My first juice fast lasted 7 days; I had set out to do 30 and didn't make it. All the detoxing just threw my body for a loop. I waited a while and then finished a 14 day juice fast. Next, I made it 21 days and eventually I actually did a 30 day juice fast! During the 21 day juice fast, my bladder completely healed and I haven't had a problem since! A miracle! 

I have never felt so vibrant, clear minded and peaceful in all my life as when I was juice fasting. It has changed my life, brought me closer to God and given me such hope that I have a long life ahead of me. Of course, at first people thought I was crazy and they laughed, but after they saw the transformation of my health they weren't laughing anymore and instead ask what I did. 

I lost about 30 pounds and, at first, that was a big motivation along with improved health. But just as I read, it's not the weight loss that transforms you so much as the healing, the peace, and closeness to God. 

So now, instead of being housebound with stiff muscles and dragging one leg in chronic pain, I am currently writing my first book of how God has brought me through a dry desolate place through sickness and disease, pain and suffering, to a place of joy, better health and hope for the future. I want to share my experience with others and shed the light of hope that our bodies can heal.

In all, over a 3 year period, I've lost 120 pounds but only about 30 pounds were from the recent juice fast. I've lost it slowly and healthily. If you've failed at juice fasting, use this motto that my Grandma taught me: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!"

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