Friday 15 February 2013

Today’s Testimony: Healed of Fibromyalgia

by Alissa Cohen

'When I first went raw, I almost immediately noticed increased energy and a reduced need for sleep .Within weeks my aches and pains in my joints began to vanish. Then the most amazing thing happened, my back pain disappeared!'

For fifteen years, I suffered from back pain. Often intense, sometimes mild but always there. I could hardly believe that it was finally and forever gone! A few years prior to committing to a 100% raw food diet, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia symptoms can be numerous. Its pains can be described as deep muscular aching, throbbing, shooting, and stabbing. Quiet often, the pain and stiffness are even worse in the morning. Jaw pain (TMJ), sleep disorders, fatigue, sensitivities to odours, noise, bright light, medication, various foods, restless leg syndrome, nausea, mood swings.
After changing my diet to include mostly raw foods but still continuing to include cooked foods into my diet at times, I felt a lot better. But I was never completely pain free. There was always some sort of pain in my joints or back. I suffered from headaches and low energy.
Since going 100% raw, I have had exactly zero symptoms of fibromyalgia. None.And, amazingly enough, I no longer need to wear glasses in order to read! And you know those little lows, or bouts of mild depression we all experience at times? Mine disappeared after a couple of weeks on a 100% raw food diet. No longer did I feel any underlying boredom, or inexplicable sad moments. Early on, whenever I’d go off this diet, it would only take a week for those moods to creep back. This astounded me.
I’ve always been a generally upbeat, happy person. But on raw food, I feel even clearer in my mind, more at peace with myself, more grateful for the gift of life. I don’t get upset as easily as I once did. Problem solving is a snap.

I truly feel as if a veil has been lifted from my eyes, allowing me to discover a beautiful new existence. And that is why I maintain that this is so much, more than just a diet. I hesitate to call it a way of life, because that implies that an entire life change is necessary. It’s not! All you have to do is eat raw and living food. Everything else will take care of itself.

Once i went raw, i felt, for the first time in my life, completely liberated from food. I just don’t think about food the way i used to. I don’t plan my day around what i eat. I don’t agonise over whether i’m eating the right foods. I don’t have to because i know that whatever i choose to eat, it’s just a good choice. I don’t have food cravings anymore, and i don’t have that fear of wanting to eat and then not being able to stop.
The raw and living food diet will give you greater health, boundless energy, and increased natural beauty. And it will free you from the bondage of food!
There are so many benefits to this diet! I am constantly amazed at the changes I witness in my clients and in friends. I have seen people look like they’ve shed twenty years off their lives. I’ve seen previously sick people glow with superb health, all within a few months.

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