Saturday 9 February 2013

Today’s Testimony : Healed of ‘Plantar fasciitis’

by Nina DuBose 

I had a condition called "plantar fasciitis" This is where the muscles in my feet have small tears. It is a very painful condition. In October 2010, I embarked on a 13-day distilled water and juice fast. It was so liberating. My body is still showing the benefits of the fast.
During, my fast, one thing is I lost weight. I lost 20 pounds. The fat came off much differently than before (unlike with traditional dieting). The cellulite burned off in just the right places. Now, I was not doing my fast for weight loss, this was just a plus.

I drank mostly raw juices. Before I purchased my juicer, I live near several raw juice bars. I would use combinations of carrot and celery, or just plain apple. Any website on juicing will provide yummy combinations. I would also drink distilled water. 

During the fast my body will seek out damaged tissue and burn it like a furnace. A sore, that happened right before my fast, healed almost overnight.

I am very careful about sharing my schedule, only because there are so many variations. I started out on a 5-day distilled water fast. After the 5th day, I added the raw juice 1-2 a day. I had fasted before over the years, so this was not my first time out. However, this time I needed to fast for medical purpose. I was ready to embark on the distilled water fast for the entire 13 days. I found myself a little weak during the first 5 days (I still went to work). If a person can fast without having to be tied down by work schedule or work obligations, it would really give the body a chance to do a proper cleanse and rest.

Certain digestive discomforts went away. I was suffering from anxiety, due to some recent stressful situations. The aniexty left me completely. I had some miraculous things happen, that no matter what I ate over the holidays, have not come back. I even held on to the weight loss.
Now I try to live a holistic type lifestyle, but around the holidays, I indulged, with none of my symptoms or discomfort or weight coming back.

Juice-fasting is a very simple way to better health. The only thing is that your mindset has to change, even having something of a spiritual nature in your life will help get through the first three days. Hunger pangs leave after those first few days.

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