Tuesday 5 February 2013

Today’s Testimony: Healed of type 2 diabetes.

By: Fannie H.
‘Within 5 weeks, I was sleeping all night.’

Dear Dr. Malkmus, August 16, 2002, began the first day of the rest of my healthy life. I had been diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic about 10 years ago. However, over the past three years the complications of diabetes had taken its toll on my body and life. The neuropathy from the disease had killed the nerves in my legs and arms. My status had progress downwards to using a cane to walk with and my doctor had put me in the category of being handicapped and he had provided me with a handicapped sticker for parking. Everywhere I went my friends would have to help me around. 

The neuropathy had an affect on my kidneys and other organs in my body. My doctor had me taking 13 different types of pills for the diabetes and blood pressure. Some of them I was taking 2 or 3 times a day. My health was getting progressively worse. I had no strength in my legs. My feet were totally numb. At the end of a day's work, my ankles were so swollen until they looked deformed. The pain from the neuropathy was so severe until at times I could not take it. The itch from the diabetes would come on at all times of the day and night and would last sometimes up to 30 minutes. I had a yeast infection from the diabetics that was so severe until I had sores from it. I would wake up 7 to 8 times a night to use the bathroom. I had no energy at the end of the day and would be in bed around 7:00p.m. 

Actually, I had no life other than my job and going to church. My blood sugar levels were running over 600 a day with the medication and sometimes they would not even register on my meter they were so high. I had considered myself somewhat of a vegetarian for several years now, but I still ate fried fish, some chicken and would sneak in some ice cream at times. I drank milk, ate eggs and cheese along with grits and toast and other foods that were not healthy for me..

August 16, 2002, I decided to go all green, and within 2 days of juicing and eating organic fruits and vegetables I could feel some energy. I could see a change in my body within 7 days. The yeast infection was gone. The dandruff I had all my life was gone. I no longer needed the prescription for the dandruff. My hemorrhoids were gone. Within 2 weeks I was walking 1 hour and day on my lunch. The next week I progressed to 2 hours a day. One hour at lunch and one hour after work. The use of the cane was gone.

About this time I notice I could take a shower and not need to use lotion on my body. My body was naturally oily. I was drinking about 32 ounces of carrot juice a day and by this time my appetite had diminished to me eating only one large salad a day and maybe a piece of fruit or some raw nuts at night. I was drinking about 64 ounces of distilled water a day. My skin completion had changed to a beautiful brown complexion. My colon was clean and everything coming out had the consistence it should be. 

The pain in my legs and feet were not as bad by this time. My teeth started getting stronger and whiter, the use for mouthwash was gone. The white mass on my tongue was gone. People at my church were amazed at my transformation and so was I. I never dreamed that I would ever start feeling this well again in this lifetime. My right big toe on my right foot had turned black. We thought that it would have to be amputated. After the first month on this all-raw diet, that toe had turned back to its natural color. Hallelujah!

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