Saturday 30 March 2013

Today’s Testimony: Complete Detoxification by Wayne

Wow this is so cool. I had a good thing happen to me today. My tonsils have been bad for years, for the last few days I kept having funny feelings around that area. Now I don't know what happen or what it is. But my right tonsil looked very big today and it had the feeling something was there in my tonsil, hope I am not grossing anyone out. I know from what health teachers say that the tonsils are one of the organs that help rid us of waste in the body too. Well after seeing my tonsils I took some green juice and swish it around my tonsil and out came this big white ball right out of my tonsil, never saw anything like it in my life. 

I spit it out and it looked like a bit of cheese but round and smell really bad. This has never happen to me, I got nervous, but after it was out I felt like jumping for joy, energy came into my body like I never felt. The 18 day fast and the juicing must have clear something out of my body also I did a lot of colon cleaning with herbs and other things. My eyes took on a look of health. I know I sound crazy but it's all true. I still can't think of what it really is but it must be some kind of waste. God is so wise to make our bodies like this. 

Already I feel new, my nerves are better and I feel peaceful. I think fasting is the greatest thing, but I do believe in eating and eating well. My diet which I follow for about two weeks before the fast was a lot of whole brown rice and lentils and other types of beans, all kinds of veg and fruit, more veg then fruit. Four glasses of veg juice a day. Cheese and eggs three times a week and meat once a week. For herb teas I use red clover and also Jason Winters tea which is recommended for cancer.  I don't have cancer just love his tea and feel it's very good for one. Live food days twice a week, only veggies and fruit and  juices. This is how I will live from now on, even before my fast started I was detoxing just from the food and juice.I must go biking today; I feel so strong.

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