Saturday 19 January 2013

Colon cancer healed

Today’s Testimony:

Colon cancer healed

George H. Malkmus

"It has now been more than 20 years since the doctor told me I had colon cancer [a tumor about the size of a baseball had been found underneath his left rib cage]. When I first heard the word "cancer," it struck terror in me.

 I was scared because I knew what I was facing. As a pastor, I had sat at the bedside of many cancer victims and conducted their funerals throughout my ministry. And I had recently watched my own Mother die a slow, torturous death after her colon cancer was treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Refusing to subject my body to those same medical treatments that I felt had helped kill my Mom, I sought an alternative.

Fortunately, I had a preacher friend in Texas by the name of Lestor Roloff who encouraged me to simply change my diet [to a vegetarian regime composed largely of raw fruits and vegetables] and lifestyle and drink lots of freshly extracted carrot juice! It sounded too simple, but, I took his advise... drastically and overnight changed my diet and lifestyle and almost immediately started to get well!

Within one year, not only was my cancer gone, but so were all my other physical problems. These included high blood pressure, severe sinus and allergy problems, hemorrhoids, hypoglycemia, fatigue, pimples... even body odor and dandruff!"

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