Tuesday 29 January 2013

The healing powers of pineapple



Today’s Amazing Facts: The healing powers of pineapple.



This write up reveals the power of pineapple consumption and its healing consequences. Most of its health benefits come from an enzyme called bromelain and its high vitamin C content.


Bromelain helps to break down the amino acids in proteins, making it a great aid to digestion and it is said to be helpful in preventing nausea caused by morning sickness or motion sickness.

But what I find most interesting about bromelain are the claims that it is a natural anti-inflammatory, helpful in reducing swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter) and relieving symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
Additionally, bromelain is effective in treating bruises and sprains by reducing swelling, tenderness and pain, it also prevents blood clot formation. So all of those things by themselves make me want to run out and eat a pineapple, but we haven’t even touched on the vitamin C.
It’s  widely known that vitamin C is an antioxidant and, as such, it protects the body from free radical damage and boosts the immune system. Vitamin C helps build and repair bodily tissue and promotes wound healing. Nice double stroke for wound healing, along with the bromelain, right?
 And here’s something I did not know about vitamin C: The body uses vitamin C to help metabolize fats and cholesterol, absorb iron, and synthesize amino acids and collagen. (Collagen is one of the primary building blocks of skin, cartilage and bones.)

And I think we all know that vitamin C is helpful in fighting off colds and infections or at least in decreasing their severity.
And because of all that vitamin C, pineapples are good for your oral health as well. Vitamin C increases the ability of connective tissue to repair itself, and also increases the body's ability to fight invading bacteria and other toxins that contribute to gum disease. Periodontal disease, which destroys gum tissue and underlying jaw bones, has been linked to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
Now I know all of this is making you want to run right out and buy a pineapple or two. It just so happens that pineapples are at their peak right now (March through July) so it’s not such a bad idea.

The bromelain content of pineapple is destroyed by the canning process – so eat your pineapple fresh for the most benefit. And taste, really.

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