Monday 28 January 2013

Today’s Testimony: Improved Rheumatoid Arthritis Through 30 Days of Fasting

By Lester

"During the fast, I did not feel the need for any pain medication; I was able to manage without. The swelling in my fingers and knees disappeared and edema in my lower legs was gone!" 

I have had rheumatoid arthritis for well over 17 years and have taken a multitude of prescribed drugs. Nothing has stabilized or slowed down the progression of the disease. One doctor called it an aggressive form of Rheumatoid Arthritis and stubborn in responding to the medications. All my joints are affected and there is considerable damage. My knees being the worst affected, they have developed osteo-arthritis. 

After previous failed attempts to finish an extended fast, I recently completed my first 30 day juice fast. During the fast, a lot of healing had taken place. Fatigue is a major issue with auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, but during the fast my energy levels actually increased while overall joint pain significantly decreased. In fact I did not feel the need for any pain medication and was able to manage without. The swelling in my fingers and knees disappeared and edema in my lower legs was gone! 

I now have more flexibility in my fingers and ankles. I had almost complete fusion in my wrists, but have noticed some loosening up. Mobility has improved in my knees and lower back, and I can bend over with more ease. I can stand for longer periods of time than before and have been able to exercise with less suffering afterwards. Joints are extra stiff upon arising in the morning and it would take around 30 minutes or so before getting loosened up. That has been reduced in half. This is huge! 

I shared about the fast with my doctor and she did not respond in a positive way, actually rolling her eyes. I am convinced that rheumatoid arthritis can be controlled or possibly cured by fasting. I am so confident that I am not resuming the medication I was on or beginning the new one suggested by my doctor. 

There were many other benefits of this fast. My hair is lovely and shiny, skin a lot clearer and I lost 20lbs. My sleep is sound; I am quieter and more peaceful and less agitated and anxious. This is a result of reduced pain.
I will go on another extended fast in a couple of months; this will rid my body of more toxins and accumulated joint debris. My aim is to fast on a regular basis and make it part of my Christian life. I am currently eating 75% raw food and learning how to eat in a disciplined way. By doing this I believe my health can only continue to improve. All glory be to God. 

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