Wednesday 30 January 2013

Today’s Testimony:Diabetes Dramatically Improved Through Juice Fasting

By Jim and Nareece

“After seeing the doctor on my 3 month checkup, he was amazed. My blood pressure went from 170 over 80, to 90 over 60. Cholesterol went from 177 to 111. Also my doctor knocked my daily insulin shots in half.”
A very good friend of mine turned me onto to the fruits and veggies gospel after I witnessed positive results from his fast. It was very convincing. My wife and I started a fast with fantastic results. You see we have tried many diets but always failed because we cheated and went back to our old ways. Since I am also a diabetic I found it extremely tough to lose weight, not to mention all the new medications I am now taking. Nothing worked and it really felt like my life was slipping away. I had water on my ankles and legs for so long that it was difficult to exercise or walk at all. I had to do something because I was losing the battle. (Taking insulin shots four times a day was not allowing me to lose any weight) 

After the first two weeks of the fast my wife looked at my legs and ankles and said you look like you have bird legs. It has now been two months and I have shed 25 pounds and my wife lost 21 pounds. Plus after seeing my doctor on my 3 month checkup he was amazed. My blood pressure went from 170 over 80 to 90 over 60. Cholesterol went from 177 to 111. Many people where I work have noticed the difference with me. Also my doctor knocked my daily insulin shots in half. I am attaching the recipes I used.

4 carrots
4 radishes
¼ yam
2 celery stalks
4 small tomatoes (Roma)
5-6 Broccoli flowers (use fresh or package)
Small slice of onion (purple for taste)
1 garlic clove (optional)
¼ piece of a fresh jalapeno (optional)
1 whole red bell pepper (or use ½ red ½ green pepper)
Lemon Pepper and a little salt for taste
Dinner Drink
¼ Cantaloupe
1 pear
3 apples (large or 4 small ones)
4-5 carrots
¼ yam (optional, use for carb. only)
1 orange (Freshly squeezed only)
Sprinkle cinnamon and mix
Drink as much as you want. Eat a regular meal a day, lunch or dinner or it could even be breakfast.

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