Saturday 2 February 2013

Today’s Testimony: Adenoma in right parotid gland (salivary) healed

By Susan Ahl Piper

In February 2001, I was diagnosed with an adenoma in my right parotid gland (salivary) and was told I had two choices: radiation or total parotidectomy. I was certainly not open to radiation, nor was I very eager for surgery, as there is some risk of facial paralysis, because four branches of the facial nerve grow through the parotid gland, which is located along the jaw area.

So I began asking around and found that many people are having excellent results healing themselves through raw foods. So by March I was eating 100% raw organic foods. I also invested in an alkaline water filter, since I had read that cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. And, I began taking supplements to boost the immune system.
Within 5 months, my tumor completely disappeared. 

The first thing that I did was read a book called "How I Conquered Cancer Naturally" by Eydie Mae. I recommend this book to anyone who wants inspiration to go raw, and to see clearly how raw foods can heal. She healed herself of breast cancer. It was very inspiring to me, and got me started on a healing regimen immediately upon reading it. It reads very easily and is very inspiring.” 

You can read the rest of her story in great detail and the 100% raw and living foods protocol she used to heal herself on her web page. As she says, ”This regimen may not be for everyone. Each person is on his or her own individual path in this life. This healing regimen worked for me, so I am sharing it with you. Take and use what you want of this information. I hope that it is helpful to you.”

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