Tuesday 2 April 2013

Today’s Usage Tip: Obeserve monthly ‘Fruit flush’ for cleansing

Not only do fruits and vegetables contain essential nutrients, but also typically they contain a low number of calories. Fruits and vegetables are considered to be low-energy-density foods, so they can be consumed in large amounts compared to other foods. Low-energy-density foods contain high water and fiber content.

The Fruit Flush is a three-day diet that requires you fast on fruits and vegetables. The plan was created by Jay Robb and, besides weight loss, purported benefits include more energy, less bloating and fewer digestive issues. Since you are consuming a low number of calories on the diet.

Fruits and vegetables are crucial to maintaining health, according to researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People who eat a diet low in fresh produce are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and chronic diseases including stroke. 

Efficient Elimination
The fiber in fresh, whole fruits and vegetables helps your digestion and elimination systems do their jobs. As the American Cancer Society points out, many proponents of juicing suggest that you juice your fruits, but this robs them of essential fiber. You can then eat the pulp, but it makes more sense just to eat the whole fruit to begin with, since there is no benefit to extracting the juice first. In the case of starchy, high sugar produce like beets and carrots, the concentrated juice can pose a danger to diabetics.

Increased Nutrition
Fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber, vitamins like A and C and nutrients like potassium and folate. Vitamin A supports your immune system, helps support vision and facilitates your red blood cells in storing and carrying iron, according to researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute. The vitamin C in citrus fruits and apples also supports your immune system as well as liver health. Potassium and folate are important for brain health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you eat different colors of fruits and vegetables to get the widest range of nutrients.
Disease Reduction
Mark Mattson, a scientist with the National Institute on Aging, states in a 2007 article on NPR.com that he believes limiting caloric intake improves the way your body regulates glucose, which can help you avoid developing diabetes. Basing his opinions on studies involving rats who were fed every other day, he postulates that partial fasting may also protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
Increased Energy and Focus
There is no scientific proof that detox diets or fruit and vegetable semi-fasts provide any measurable, physical benefits. But, according to MayoClinic.com dietitian Katherine Zeratsky, "Some people report feeling more focused and energetic during and after detox diets." Whether this is due to the psychological effect of doing something good for your body, a sense of being in control or other factors is unknown. But, if eating and drinking only fresh fresh fruits and vegetables one weekend a month or so inspires you to make positive changes to your food and lifestyle choices, you may see measurable benefits to your health in the long term.

To prepare for fasting on mostly fruits and veggies, you are instructed to drink a protein shake every two hours for the first day of the plan. Dinner on day one consists of three to six cups of vegetables, a serving of a lean protein and 1 tbsp. of olive oil.
On the second and third day of the Fruit Flush, eat one serving of fruit every two hours, starting at 8 a.m. Examples of fruit allowed include mangos, bananas, apples and berries. At 6 in the evening, you consume three to six cups of raw vegetables along with ½ avocado. For days two and three, one protein drink is permitted at night.
Exercise is not recommended on the Fruit Flush. Until you stop eating mostly fruits and vegetables, you are not advised to participate in cardio or weight training. Also, the weight loss you achieve during the diet is a likely result of water and sodium loss. The weight is likely to creep back on once you stop the diet.
Detox diets that require you follow an extremely restricted eating plan are not proven to work. The kidney and liver effectively remove toxins from the body through urine and stool. Toxin removal does occur by eating only fruits and vegetables for several days, but detox diets can cause some serious side effects, including dizziness, nausea and fatigue.


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